“Nigel’s Magic Stackroom” is a character animation project by me and my partner Pun Ho Yin.
Pun Ho Yin builds 3D models while I put my focus on the 2D side, therefore I decided to make a 2D and 3D mixed animation when I start working with him.
I like animations like Howl’s moving castle and little witch academia and I always wanted to create one that is related to magic. I also love the picture book Poupelle of Chimney Town by Akihiro Nishino, which has a stunningly beautiful steampunk art style. These inspired me to start this animation project.
My aim was to make something visually interesting and fun, related to magic and 2D 3D mixed. I thought it would be challenging to have both 2D and 3D characters in the animation and see how I could merge the two styles.
I want the animation to include the elements magic, robot and friendship. The story is developed base on this idea.
It takes place in a large magic stack room in which the main character Nigel is imprisoned. The boy feels lonely and then build a robot. Each book in the library contains a magic world and the two characters enter different books, go on different adventures.
I want each world to have a different visual theme and explore different methods to create 2D 3D mixed animation in this project. I have not much experience in creating this kind of animation and it would be a challenging and fun task for me to make one.